Thursday, August 12, 2021

                                                     3 Article Thingie

I found that the dark chocolate realses serotin and reduces anxeity levels which is very cool.As someone who suffers with severe anxeity its really cool to hear something like this is avalible.

On the LGBQT one it's pretty cool`to think about how many atehelts and trainers are part of the community is cool. I think the community needs to have more recgornation.

The madrid one is so fascinating,its so cool and is helping the planet alot.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Asian Hate

 In social studies we have been learning about Asian hate and the holocaust,so I guess i'm going to talk to you about what we've been learning about that.

Asian hate has sky rocketed a massive 1900 percent in the past year since COVID-19 which is a massive percentage. And quite frankly its disgusting. The post we got all our imformation off has been super helpful. The guy who wrote it has done a amazing job writing it,we learnt that people,mainly of the asian ethticy are being targeted. They are being jumped,beaten,etc just for there race. 

Monday, May 31, 2021

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

 Today in social studies we learnt about the great pacific garbage patch. Here is my brilliant work :)

      The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The GPGP has become a serious problem in the world today with it growing rapidly. So how did it start? It started with marine litter,caused by us,humans. Its had major effects on our environment and world,causing us to lose wildlife,marine life and even swimming beaches in some places. So how does it effect as such? Most marine life mistake plastic as jellyfish,small fish etc. Animals such as dolphins,turtles,whales and large fish get tangled in fish nets,nets,fishing line and other things.